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K-Arts Art Collider Lab Wins the KREONET Research Funding
05. 19(Thu)
K-Arts Art Collider Lab Wins the KREONET Research Funding


K-Arts Art Collider Lab Wins the KREONET Research Funding


The Art Collider Lab (AC Lab), the institution under K-Arts, which aims to integrate science technology with art culture and industry with academia, became designated a beneficiary of the Korea Research Environment Open Network (KREONET) funding. Hence the AC Lab will receive the research funding in various forms until April 2023. 


The KREONET is a national R&D institute network supported by the Ministry of Science and ICT and operated by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology. Since 1988, it has sponsored the industrial-academic research institutions by providing the high-tech network infrastructure of the resources of science technology, super-computing, GRID, e-science applied science, etc.


As a part of research funding, the K-Arts will receive support in the infrastructure of the Giga internet network, which enables the high-speed access and exchanges of massive data between the networks of research institutes. Moreover, it can use the networking service for building a high-tech network or environment for cooperative research. 


The AC Lab plans on fulfilling the art and technology projects with the top science and technology education institutions in Korea, such as the KAIST, POSTECH, etc. It is also planning on expediting the production and research in cultural content in the metaverse era in cooperation with the Ars Electronica from Austria. All in all, it is sought to bring the improvement in online education and a creative environment on campus.