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Dean Kim Jiwon of School of Visual Arts Presents the Solo Exhibition, “Lemon”
05. 17(Tue)
Dean Kim Jiwon of School of Visual Arts Presents the Solo Exhibition, “Lemon”


Dean Kim Jiwon of School of Visual Arts Presents the Solo Exhibition, “Lemon”


From 28 April to 26 May, at the PKM Gallery, Seoul, dean Kim Jiwon of the School of Visual Arts hosted the solo exhibition, “Lemon.” The dean has a reputation for depicting compelling energy and poetic beauty through his unique painting techniques. In his paintings, he has worked on capturing and extracting the hidden essence of an object. 


This exhibition displayed the 50 pieces of his recent works, including the “Mendrami” series, the artist’s trademark for 30 years, “Lemon,” “Everything with a Form Vanishes,” and “Infinite Stream of Water,” and the landscape painting series. In 1983 and 1986, Kim earned special recognition from the Joongang Fine Arts Prize. 


In 2014, he attained the 15th Lee Insung Art Prize. The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Busan Museum of Art, Leeum, and others collect his artworks for keep.