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Alumna Jeong Geumhyung Goes to the 59th Venice Biennale
02. 04(Fri)
Alumna Jeong Geumhyung Goes to the 59th Venice Biennale


Jeong Geumhyung Receives an Invitation to the 59th International Art Exhibition of Venice Biennale


From 23 April to 27 November, Jeong Geumhyung, a School of Dance alumna, goes to the 59th International Art Exhibition of Venice Biennale at an invitation. For this event, Executive Curator Cecilia Alemani announced the theme of “the milk of dreams” and invited 213 artists from 58 countries. The Venice Biennale consists of the exhibition arranged by the executive curator and individual national pavilions prepared by guest countries.


Jeong Guemhyung, a former dancer, has been using her body as a medium of artwork to project her artistic interests and desires into various dolls, human body dummies, and other sorts to illustrate the languages of the body. She won the Hermes Foundation Art Award in 2016 and hosted solo exhibitions at the Tate Modern Museum, Songeun Art Space, and Kunsthalle Basel.



picture ⓒsongeunartspace