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K-Arts X TikTok Co-Presents a Vertical Interactive Drama 《Anticlimax》
01. 28(Fri)
K-Arts X TikTok Co-Presents a Vertical Interactive Drama 《Anticlimax》


K-Arts and TikTok, Leading Online Social Platform for Short-Form Videos, Co-Presents a Vertical Interactive Drama "Anticlimax"



K-Arts Art & Technology Lab (AT Lab) with TikTok showcases "Anticlimax" on 21 January as the third outcome of “TikTok for Good”, an academy-business collaboration project for social contribution, through TikTok’s @verticalshortfilm. "Anticlimax" with its theme ‘My own story that I create’ is a composition of interactive short films in vertical frame and comes down to the ending depending on audience’s choice.


The School of Film, TV & Multimedia at the K-Arts has run 1-year curriculum class for “TikTok for Good” project since March 2020. This showcase is the third outcome of creative works from the project which aims to nurture short-form content creators who introduces and pioneers the latest digital trend.   


Watch "Anticlimax"  :