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K-Arts X TikTok Presents Vertical Short Film Showcase
05. 14(Fri)
K-Arts X TikTok Presents Vertical Short Film Showcase

 K-Arts X TikTok Presents Vertical Short Film Showcase


Starting from Monday, 10 May 21, the Art and Technology Lab (AT Lab) in K-Arts Art Collider with TikTok, a global short video platform for entertainment, hosts “Vertical Short Film Showcase.” It is a part of “TikTok for Good,” an international social contribution project by TikTok. This showcase is the outcome of creative works from the School of Film, TV & Multimedia classes since March 2020. 


These classes aimed to nurture short-form content creators as a part of the industry-academic project. This showcase presents nine 1-3minute-length short-film videos, such as “Breath Store” by Kkyu Film. Kkyu Film directed “For Symmetric People” that hit 190 million views since its release last July. The showcase lineup also includes two 15-minute-length interactive dramas and a web drama composed of thirteen chapters. Among them, “Don’t Look Up” hit 6.8 million views within three days since its release to the public.



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