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Win at the Young Critics Award
07. 24(Wed)
Win at the Young Critics Award

Professor Kwon Hee-chul of School of Drama won the 20th Young Critics Award. 


The award winner is selected by the Korean Association of Literary Critics, and the critique which won the award is “Irony and Analogy” issued in Munhak Dongne Autumn 2018. The Korean Association of Literary Critics commented, “Kwon Hee-chul demonstrates his merit as an excellent critic through this work in which he delicately and accurately captures the interior of contemporary Korean novels. Not only this piece captures the inside, light and possibility of contemporary literature but excavates what exists beyond them such as the darkness and impossibility in the exterior. Professor Kwon made his debut as a writer by publishing a critique in Muhak Dongne Autumn 2008, and he is currently a chief editor of quarterly Munhak Dongne and professor of playwriting in School of Drama at the Korea National University of Arts.