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K-Arts Hosts 'Conned Week 2023' to Explore the Future Arts Education
11. 15(Wed)
K-Arts Hosts 'Conned Week 2023' to Explore the Future Arts Education


 “Connected Week 2023: More-than-Human World,” Festival for the Future of Arts Education Takes Place


From 8 to 14 November, the K-Arts presided over “Connected Week 2023: More-than-Human World,” a festival for speculating the future of arts education in the post-pandemic society. To seek for sustainable arts education in the post-pandemic era, the K-Arts has constructed the digital environment in which it is building a “connected campus,” a strategic research project for a medium and long-term goal. This event was arranged to introduce new ways of creative activities adopting the newly prepared digital studio and to discuss the future of higher education arts institutions in light of the digital transition.


On the topic of “More-than-Human-World,” the event inspected de-anthropocentric movements, such as the emergence of artificial intelligence technology or increasing social conflicts, from the artistic perspective. Premised on that, it seeks the possibilities of connection and coexistence among ecological, social, and technological entities that are otherized as “non-human.” 


The event was composed of “Connected Forum,” an international forum for studying the role of arts in light of the topic of the contemporary time, “Connected School,” a liaised program with the Centre for Research and Education in Art and Media (CREAM) at the University of Westminster, “Connected Showcase,” a presentation on interactive integration arts project using the 3-sided projection space, and “Connected Screening,” playing a video on the theme of ecology, society, and technology.