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KNIGA Gwangju Opens for the Art Prodigies in Southern Province
09. 04(Mon)
KNIGA Gwangju Opens for the Art Prodigies in Southern Province


Opening Ceremony of KNIGA Gwangju Campus Took Place


On Wednesday, 6 September, the Korea National Institute for Gifted in Arts (KNIGA) affiliated with the K-Arts held the opening ceremony of the Gwangju campus in Gwangju metropolitan city.


According to the MOU concluded in 2021 among K-Arts, the metropolitan city of Gwangju, and Asia Culture Center (ACC), K-Arts will dispatch experts to instruct the gifted in arts and operate the professional arts education programs while the city of Gwangju will be responsible for managing facilities and provide the necessary administrative and financial support on the new campus. In addition, the ACC remodeled a gym in the former Gwangju Girls’ High School to turn it into an arts education space.


The KNIGA Gwangju campus has facilities and equipment for professional and systematic education considering environments varied by field, such as 17 music rooms, 13 Korean traditional arts rooms, 3 integration arts rooms, ensemble space, and musical instrument storage.


In 2022, the KNIGA Gwangju campus accepted 75 students gifted in arts in 4 fields, music, dance, Korean traditional arts, and integration arts. During the pilot period of the educational program, the admitted took weekly classes by the expert instructors from K-Arts at the Gwangju Arts High School, a temporary educational venue. From now on, the classes will take place on the Gwangju campus newly opened. The gifted in arts students in the range of elementary, middle, and high schools from Gwangju, South and North Jeolla Provinces will also have the benefit of using the new campus.