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President Kim Daejin Joins ‘No EXIT’ Anti-Drug Campaign
07. 06(Thu)
President Kim Daejin Joins ‘No EXIT’ Anti-Drug Campaign


President Kim Daejin of K-Arts with the Korean National Police Agency and Korean Association Against Drug Abuse participated in a cross-country campaign against drug abuse, the “NO EXIT Campaign,” which has initiated this April. The campaign aims to alert the danger and severity of the recently increased use of drugs to make society safe from drug crimes. 


President Kim was nominated by CEO Yoon Changho of the Korea Securities Finance Corporation, an alumnus of the 22nd class of the Culture & Arts Program for CEO in the K-Arts.


President Kim, showed his support for the campaign, uploading on Instagram a photo of himself holding the campaign slogan, “Maze without Exit, NO EXIT. Never Touch Drugs.” He stated, “I wish the campaign contributes to bringing awareness of the danger of drugs and protecting the young people who will lead the future of Korea from drugs.” 


For the next participants, he nominated art director Choi Su-yeol of the Busan Philharmonic Orchestra, a School of Music graduate, and actress Han Yeri, a School of Korean Traditional Arts graduate.