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KRECA Issues a 13th Volume of Journal of Art Studies, “Arts Rides on the Metaverse”
04. 25(Tue)
KRECA Issues a 13th Volume of Journal of Art Studies, “Arts Rides on the Metaverse”


Korea National Research Center for the Arts Issues a 13th Volume of Journal of Art Studies, “Arts Rides on the Metaverse”


The Korea National Research Center for the Arts affiliated with the K-Arts issued the 13th volume of a series of Journal of Art Studies, “Arts Rides on the Metaverse.” This publication focuses on how to incorporate the metaverse, a global megatrend of today, and technology associated with NFT into the arts industry, encompassing music, dance, visual arts, and film. It also contemplates how to lead to creative activities and cope with changes in the artistic environment in the metaverse era and onwards. This volume includes a collection of 8 essays by Jang Jaeho, a member of the Tacit Group, Lee Minha, Lee Jiyeong, Joy Kim, Jeong Woojeong, Jeong Inseon, Ham Choongbeom, Lee Hyewon, and Seo Yukyeong.


“Arts Rides on the Metaverse” contains the contents of changes in the artistic environment in the time of the metaverse, the direction or potential of arts in the coexistence of or separation between the virtual and real worlds, changing values of and responses to arts, the essential techniques and competence required for the metaverse art, and the legal perspectives related to the crisis and risks arts might face in the metaverse era. Beyond the understanding of the relation between the arts and metaverse up to now, it seeks the prospects and expansiveness of arts throughout 3 parts.


Part 1, on the premise that art requires to expand in the time of the metaverse, suggests a new prospect for the relation between the metaverse and arts in music, visual arts, literature, and performing arts. In part 2, experts in dance, film, and other related industries discuss the artistic means of experiencing the metaverse from various perspectives. Lastly, orienting around the topic of avatars, part 3, deals with the feasible legal matters that could arise from the metaverse. While the publication is not for sale, the copies are accessible at the National Library of Korea, the National Assembly Library, and other libraries of the major universities across the country.