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Visual Artist Woo Hanna Hosts Open Studio Events in Seoul and London
02. 10(Fri)
Visual Artist Woo Hanna Hosts Open Studio Events in Seoul and London


Visual Artist Woo Hanna of the School of Visual Arts Hosts Open Studio Events in Seoul and London


Woo Hanna who acquired a BA and MA in the School of Visual Arts boldly presents an experimental project at No. 9 Cork Street, an event space run by the Frieze London, from 9 March. Woo also reveals her art-making process through “Connection: Woo Hanna Open Studio” at the G Gallery, Cheongdam-dong, Korea. She will exhibit the outcomes of her work from the open studio internationally.


Woo Hanna has gained recognition for using original materials and language distinguished from others in her artworks. As a feminist female artist, she oftentimes expressed her concerns through installation works made of fabrics sewn with leftover cloth. Woo touches on the themes of pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, and women’s career interruption found in women’s reality.


Woo participated in various exhibitions internationally, for example in Songeun Artcube, PS Sarubia, Arko Art Center, and Seoul Museum of Art. She is making a debut in the commercial exhibition market this time.