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2022 AMA+ Scholarship Admission FAQ

2022 AMA+ Scholarship Admission FAQ


1. General Question

Q. How many admission rounds do you have for AMA+ scholarship? Can I apply for Fall semester entrance?

A. We only have one admission a year. For AMA+ Scholarship, admission takes place from February/March through August/September and the final grantees enter Korea for Korean language training starting November and begin their degree program starting March.

We also don’t have transfer system, and you only need to apply for full degree admission only.


2. Eligibility for AMA+ Scholarship

Q. Do you have an age limit?

A. No, we do not have an age limit. You are free to apply. 


Q. Can I apply for two different majors?

A. You can only apply to one major (department) only.


Q. I didn’t major in ~~. Am I eligible to apply?

A. You may change your career and study course. If you meet the required standards for each major, and can submit the required documents, you may apply for your desired major.


Q. Can I apply for second BA studies in K-Arts?

A. Yes, whether you have BA degree elsewhere isn’t important. We already have students studying for the second BA degree in K-Arts.

The required documents are the same for an undergraduate program applicant. 


Q. I will graduate before March 2022, but not before the application submission date (June 10). Can I apply? What should I submit?

A. If you are to graduate before Spring semester starts in 2022 in K-Arts, you can submit a certificate of expectant graduation. Even if you do not submit your diploma for the document screening, you need to submit your diploma / scores before 28th February, 2022.


Q. I already graduated from university / college, and some years passed after my graduation. Am I eligible?

A. Yes, you are eligible.  


Q. I want to know the vacancies for my country.

A. K-Arts does not have a set vacancy number for each country.


Q. Can I apply for AMA+ and General Admission(fee-payng) at K-Arts for 2022?

A. Yes, you may. AMA+ admission schedule and General admission schedule is different, and you may try AMA+ first, then apply for fee paying admission.

However, we have two different office for each admission route, and please contact for questions regarding general admission.


3. Spoken Language/Language proficiency test scores/

Q. Are there English classes? 

98% of the lessons in K-Arts are taught in Korean. No English/other language assistance is given.

If you wish to study in K-Arts, you should be able to speak Korean. 


Q. Can I replace my Korean language proficiency test scores with other language tests? (IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC etc)

A. No, as those scores do not represent your ability to speak Korean.


Q. All the TOPIK tests are canceled in our region due to COVID. Can I not submit a language proficiency test score and take the language test provided by K-Arts instead?

A. We are sorry about the situation in your country, but we cannot apply exceptions depending on the situation of each country/individuals. If you cannot submit a TOPIK score, you need to provide alternative test scores listed in the application guideline. We need to be able to check if your alternative Korean language test score is equivalent to the TOPIK requirement set by each department / major. You can check the application guideline pdf for more detail on the alternative test scores.

If we do not receive any appropriate Korean language proficiency certificate at all, there is no guarantee that your application will be reviewed by the school, regardless the quality of your portfolio or the rest of your application.


Q. Is there any way for me to be selected for scholarship without speaking Korean or without submitting Korean language test scores?

A. Only when your desired major does not require Korean language test scores, you can be selected without one. 

Otherwise, you must provide a Language proficiency test score for your application to be reviewed by the school.  


Q. When should I provide the Korean language proficiency test scores?

A. Your Korean test scores should be submitted at the time of submitting your application only.

The scores are especially NOT accepted at these time periods:

- after the document screening (June-July)

- your arrival in Korea

- the four-months language training for scholarship grantees in Korea


Q. Can I get the required TOPIK scores during the 4-months language training?

A. You MUST acquire the required TOPIK level before applying. The 4-months training before enrollment teaches advanced Korean to help you adjust to studying in Korea.


Q. My Korean proficiency level is lower than my desired major’s requirements. Can I study more and take the Korean test at K-Arts later?

A. In K-Arts where 95%-100% of the lessons are taught in Korean. The test results prove that you can study properly without a translation assistance (which is not provided) in your desired major. Hence, it is mandatory for applicants to prove in their application that they meet the very least of our school’s language requirements.

Please note that the Korean test held by K-Arts is only for reviewing if the applicants' Korean certificate - TOPIK or any alternative certificates - is valid for each major's Korean proficiency requirement. If your alternative test score is considered high enough to meet the language requirements by each major, you may be subjected to take the K-Arts Korean language test. The test's result held by K-Arts will only be referred to as a 'complementary material'. The result still can’t be a substitute for your TOPIK scores.

If you do not speak Korean fluently to a level required by each major, but are still determined to study at K-Arts, you can study more and apply next year.


Q. The language requirement section is blank for my desired major. What is the required level?

A. If your desired major has a blank section for language proficiency level, it means the scores are not mandatory. But we would still value the proficiency level if you can submit any kind of proof.


Q. Do I need to provide an English proficiency test score?

A. Unless your desired major specifies the requirements for English proficiency test scores in the application guideline, the scores are not mandatory. Even when some departments require English proficiency, it doesn’t mean you don’t need Korean proficiency. Again, our language of instruction is always Korean and English is additional.


Q. K-Arts plans to hold the Korean Language Test for its own. Can I see what the test would look like? How should I prepare? Does this substitute the TOPIK score or other proof(s) of language certificates?

A. The sample questionnaires will be uploaded in mid-May via K-Arts’ website. However, it doesn’t substitute the TOPIK score or no proof of Korean Proficiency score/certificates. It is, as said in the guideline, a complementary test to prove applicant’s Korean skills in addition to your already submitted proofs. You don’t need preparation for this specific test, it is to see your general communication skills.


4. Portfolios

Q. What are the portfolio formats for my desired major? 

A.  Please check the application guideline uploaded on our English Website > notice board.


Q. The format says ‘no given format’. Can you give me some guidelines?

A. If your desired major requires a portfolio without a format, we cannot give you an unofficial guideline.

It is all up to you. J Please show that you are willing, and fit to study your desired major in K-Arts.


Q. How do I submit my portfolio? Do I submit online? Offline?

A. The details for portfolio submission will be uploaded on May. Please look out for the announcement!


Q. Can you tell me the portfolio criteria for my desired major? 

A. We can only tell you the details specified in the application guideline.
No additional tips can be given for each individual applicants. 


5. Other documents

Q. If I don’t have a passport, what can I do?
A. When submitting your application, you may submit your ID documents from your government to substitute your passport. However, when you do get the scholarship, you need your passport in order to attend the four-months language training. The information written in your application should match your passport.


Q. Our school does not provide ranking information. What should I do? 

A. You can leave out the ranking column only if your school transcript doesn't provide one. 

You still have to fill in all the other tabs. 


Q. Can I get an Apostille after the document screening? It takes too long to get them because of COVID in my country.

A. Your documents needs apostille and to be notarized when you submit your application online.


Q. I graduated a Korean university, and wish to study for MA degree in K-Arts. Do I need an apostille?

A. If you graduated from a university in Korea, you don’t have the papers to be notarized / apostilled. You only need your secondary education documents (middle school, high school) to be apostilled.


Q. I wish to apply for a MA degree. Do I still need my high school documents? 

A. Yes. 


Q. My final exams were postponed, how do I fill in the academic transcript?

Please just send the academic transcript with the semesters that have been completed for grades, and you may send the certificate of prospective graduation or degree. Once you are successful with all our application review process and become a final grantee, we will ask for the updated, original documents in September.